
Aizvadīts autosprints Vaiņode 2017 - EVEAUTOSPORTS.LV Aizvadīts autosprints Vaiņode 2017 - EVEAUTOSPORTS.LV More
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Last season - on the newly discovered Smiltene route Last season - on the newly discovered Smiltene route

Last season - on the newly discovered Smiltene route
09.10.2017 20:35
Feeling that the season was still in its infancy was the closing match of the 2017 karting season - Smiltene on September 30. The final season of the season promises to be particularly exciting and interesting.

First of all, because the champions and cup winners will be cleared in all karting classes and in different series in the 2017 season. Secondly, we will have the honor to discover the Smiltene karting track, which, after reconstruction, returns to the full circle of trails. It should be noted that in Latvia there are currently five licensed karting tracks - Madona, Kandava, Sporta Complex 333, Jelgava Rullītis, and also Smiltene joined this group. Also, given that several configurations are possible on some tracks, the total tracks are even larger. The encouraging news is that reconstruction of the Daugavpils route has begun and there are hopes for a CIC-FIA homologous track to be expected within two years, which opens up a possibility for us to organize world-class competitions in Latvia.

Traditionally, as in the final season of the season, there will also be veterans and mechanics competitions where all former athletes are invited to participate with their own time retro or not so retro karting. It will also be great for technical support for athletes - the mechanics will go after a long season, when nothing more than screwdriving and technical work have not been seen. The mechanics are encouraged to climb their riders and team mates and try their strength and agility in the completely newly discovered Smiltene route.

In Smiltene on the start, we will also see the Retro class test. This year's retro-class agenda is included only three times and one of them on the directly restored Smiltene route.

We remind that spectators and fans will enter the competition for free. All the rules related to the competition are unchanged in the "Rules" section.

A bit about the agenda on the day of the race. On Saturday, registration of participants, technical commission and tire service, will take place on Saturdays from. From 8:00 to 11:00, in parallel with 8:00 - 9:00, technical control (in class) and delivery of tires will take place. 9:00 am Free trainings for all classes. In turn, at 8:30 a meeting of participants will take place. We remind you that attendance at the meeting is compulsory. Participants' venue is open on Thursday, September 28, 2013 from. 8:00. Places for participants are allocated only to competitors. Places are not booked in advance. The competition organizers will award them in accordance with the order in which the participants arrive on the site. Also, do not forget that participation in the award ceremony is compulsory. The total planned duration of the race is 30.09.2017 from noon. 8:00 am to 1:00 pm 19:00. Participation in the solemn Awards ceremony is compulsory, without taking into account the places and prizes!

For anyone who wants to follow the race in-house, it will be possible to do so by observing live webcast - or Apart from live streaming from the competition, all the results of the race in online mode will always be found here In turn, they will be published on the page under the section "Races". As well as the progress of the race and the latest results, it will be possible to keep track of our Facebook page

If you have any questions or uncertainties, please write to [email protected] or on our Facebook page or call Valdem Brutan!

A reminder and a request to all the athletes to inform their forthcoming rivals and their results outside Latvia - Pro-Kart spokeswoman Sabini Leingardi / e-mail: [email protected] / 28355507 or LAF press secretaries - Kristin Pavlovsk / e-mail : [email protected]/ 28344187.

We remind you that the results, playback, photos and video of the season 5 of the season 12.08.2017 are available at the site in the section "Races / 2017"

We wish luck to all athletes and teams in the last race of this season. For a fair fight on the track, true emotions and satisfaction for your success. Meet you!

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