
Folkreiss: Šogad #1 Plētienam, pērn krituši rekordi  | Folkreiss: Šogad #1 Plētienam, pērn krituši rekordi | More
Merry, bright, faithful, hopeful and loving Christmas and happy and happy New 2018! Merry, bright, faithful, hopeful and loving Christmas and happy and happy New 2018!

Merry, bright, faithful, hopeful and loving Christmas and happy and happy New 2018!

Cer uzlabot standartauto sacīkšu atpazīstamību un izveidot skaidru hierarhiju - AutoEuro Cer uzlabot standartauto sacīkšu atpazīstamību un izveidot skaidru hierarhiju - AutoEuro Uz pilnsapulci bija ieradušies 95 biedri, nodrošinot vēlēšanām nepieciešamo kvorumu. Ar 87 balsīm par jauno LAF SAK padomes vadītāju ievēlēja Eduardu Ka... More
Eduards Kalve kļūst par jauno LAF Standarta Automobiļu Komisijas padomes vadītāju - Go4speed Eduards Kalve kļūst par jauno LAF Standarta Automobiļu Komisijas padomes vadītāju - Go4speed More
Nākamsezon Latvijā plānojas daudz autokrosa, rallijkrosa un folkreisa sacensību - Go4speed Nākamsezon Latvijā plānojas daudz autokrosa, rallijkrosa un folkreisa sacensību - Go4speed More
Summer Autosprint "Smiltene 2017" Final Awarding Event on Friday 17.11.2017. Summer Autosprint "Smiltene 2017" Final Awarding Event on Friday 17.11.2017.

Summer Autosprint "Smiltene 2017" Final Awarding Event on Friday 17.11.2017.
Association of Technical Sports Club "Smiltene" Award of the winners of the fifth season "Smiltene 2017" Summer Autoprint. Award of the winners of the summer autosprint "Smiltene 2017", a member of the Technical Sports Club "Smiltene". Entrance fee for the event is 20 euro per person. The entrance fee includes: hot + cold table + dish comic + karaoke! Your favorite alcoholic beverages are taken by yourself! Smiltenes novads, Smiltenes pagasts, Kalnamuiža, Smiltene Technical University canteen on Friday 17.11.2017 at 19.00, arrival at the event from 18.30. Next to the hotel: Kalnaligzda, details of the hotel: Welcome all the participants who have participated, bring their wives, friends, friends and more! Transfer money for the event until 16.11.2017. to the indicated bank and account: Beneficiary - Vairis Tralla A / s SEBbanka code - UNLALV2X account - LV96UNLA0016012645878 and please specify that this is a generalization measure Summer Autosprint "Smiltene 2017". We expect applications and confirmations of arrival by 15.11.2017. It is also possible to pay cash in person for me on the spot. For more information contact us by phone: 29125512 Vairis.

Vaiņodes lidlaukā aizvadītas rallija supersprinta formāta sacīkstes - 4rati Vaiņodes lidlaukā aizvadītas rallija supersprinta formāta sacīkstes - 4rati More
Autosprinta sacīkstēs 'Vaiņode 2017' uzvaru izcīna Edgars Tralla (VIDEO) - Go4speed Autosprinta sacīkstēs 'Vaiņode 2017' uzvaru izcīna Edgars Tralla (VIDEO) - Go4speed More
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